The Public Authority Registry is a resource of background-checked, qualified Care Providers maintained by the Public Authority. Registry Providers are matched with IHSS Consumers according to their specific needs, thereby allowing Consumers to remain living in their own homes with the assistance of their Provider.
What are the Criteria for Acceptance to the Registry?
- Registry Application - All sections of the application must be completed.
- Training and Enrollment: All Registry applicants are required to complete mandatory on-line Training and Enrollment.
- Face-to-Face Interview: All Registry applicants must schedule a face-to-face interview with the Public Authority Program Coordinator.
- References: Each Registry applicant must submit at least two (2) work references and one (1) personal reference to the Registry.
- Identification and Employment Eligibility: The following will be required for the face-to-face interview: a valid driver's license/picture ID, proof of citizenship or other legal document verifying eligibility to work in the United States, and Social Security card.